Performance Artist, Maryella Marie, bathes in the ancient lakes of Patagonia, Argentina.

Most of you reading this blog are artists, working folk, business owners, and community organizers.

Regardless of how you identify professionally, let me remind you that we are all artists. Yes, I believe that we are all born creative beings and that we have the capacity to be moved by the artist within; if only we choose to unlearn some of the toxic social norms & habits that keep our creativity dormant, and remember our innate ability to create and fuel the “moral responsibility of the artist,” as James Baldwin so clearly proclaimed.

“The role of the artist is exactly the same as the role of the lover. If I love you, I have to make you conscious of the things you don’t see.”

―James Baldwin

^ “Eternal Ice” — Mixed media photo collage by Guadalupe Arriegue

Today’s super full moon in Aquarius inspires artists all around the world to break bread with that creative force. 


When you read that statement, how does it make you feel? 
Do you reject the idea or accept it? 

Does it speak to your personal beliefs and worldview or do you consider it an offense to your theology? 

Do you detach yourself from it, consider it and remain neutral… curious even; willing to see where this so-called “new age” talk of the moon in Aquarius is going?   

Whatever the case, I invite you to consider suspending your beliefs in order to tap into something new in an attempt to open up a world of possibilities; to step outside of the trite and barren language that we are inundated with in mainstream media and social media. 

suspend your beliefs in order to tap into something new

^ “Before the Law” — Mixed media photo collage by Guadalupe Arriegue

Creating a Brighter Future by Remembering the past

Whether or not you understand or even believe in the science and sacred art of astrology, let’s consider it from a historical context. In the late 5th/early 4th century BCE, Hippocrates, BKA the father of Western medicine, stated: 

“A physician without knowledge of astrology has no right to call themsevlves a healer. He who does not understand astrology is not a doctor but a fool.” -Hippocrates

Yes, the father of Western medicine taught and advocated for astrology to hold weight in the medical curriculum. 

Why is this relevant?

Some of you are physicians, but many of you are not. Some of you have taken the Hippocratic oath, and others of us have put our trust in those who have taken the Hippocratic oath.

At any rate, this understanding put so matter-of-factly by the late great Hippocrates, and many other great healers of the past lost to mainstream historical records, reveals the symbiotic relationship between the celestial bodies in the cosmos and their influence on the natural cycles of our planet, and indeed on our bodies. 

This ancient knowledge is available for all of us to consider.

Throughout this time frame, scientists cited the similarities between medicine and astrology, in addition to combining the two in practice. Hippocrates and Galen based medical theories on the relationship between heavenly bodies and human bodies.” - Astronomy, Astrology, and Medicine by Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum

[consider the] symbiotic relationship between the celestial bodies in the cosmos and their influence on the natural cycles of our planet, and indeed on our bodies

^ “Self Portrait” — Mixed media photo collage by Guadalupe Arriegue

Why all of this historical reflection? 

As the world continues to turn, we continue to change; and as we find new ways to exist in this ever-changing landscape, I want to encourage our readers to consider the world as a living, nonbinary phenomena.

How, you might ask?

By contemplating the nuance that surrounds us. In other words, to not see the world as simply black and white, good or bad, righteous or evil, this or that. Instead let’s consider the many subtleties, overtones and undertones, subtext, infinite dialogues, and hidden stories… the incredible audaciousness that anything can live and thrive in these lands we call home. The indescribable essence of the world we live in and the wonder of life itself.  


Like desire, language disrupts, refuses to be contained within boundaries.
— bell hooks

I also invite you to remember that language is a living art form that has been guiding human evolution ever since memories of oral lore and archives of recorded history began to shape our shared experience. 

It influences how we see ourselves in the world and therefore how we manifest our own worldviews. 

in other words, to not see the world as simply black and white, good or bad, righteous or evil, this or that.

^ Performance artist, Maryella Marie


Let’s activate the sacred art of poetry as a form of social impact.

Read/watch this poem that I wrote, featured in the “Grow Melodic” visual album, and contemplate the beauty & quagmire that language offers us.

(Spanish version coming soon! Support our efforts to keep this site bi-lingual)

“black is power // black is bright // black is light dreams moving at the

speed of night //

black is potent // black is fun // black

is filling nature with bullets in guns”

Maryella Marie

[excerpt from Poetry in Motion, Decolonizing Langauge]

Let us remember that language is an art and a system that can subsequently mold our social systems and collective realities. 

Most of us dreaded going to our language arts classes where the hyper-focus on grammar and accuracy impeded our fluidity and ability to express ourselves in a more nuanced way. Alas, those of us who can read and write in English/Spanish are here now… so what’s next? 

Super Full Moon Vibes

Each full moon invites us to reflect on and embody our personal and collective evolution, to share gratitude with those who came before us, and to walk the path of authenticity & wisdom. This is a super full moon, so yes to all of that and MORE. 

^ Astrophotographer, Guadalupe Arrieuge, is pictured here studying the cosmos.

“Eternal Ice”

Mixed media photo collage by Guadalupe Arriegue

Entering the Lion’s Gate with grace & positive vibes

Returning to the sacred quality of oral lore, let’s acknowledge an epic celestial event that many of our ancestors and ancient ethnic groups around the globe considered a creative expression in the sky. 

The Lion’s Gate - a time when Sirius, (*the brightest star in the sky), Earth, and the Orion constellation are all aligned. 

As you pull out your telescopes these days, or as you look inward to witness this cosmic alignment, I invite you to pour a cup of your favorite thing to sip on, sit back and enjoy an underheard and under shared original epic, lost to popular culture and appropriation. 

By the way, this is one of my favorite pieces of oral lore recounting one of the world’s most epic heroes & legends.

Jermaine Fowler from The Humanity Archive does a phenomenal job recounting this epic!

(A note for Spanish speakers - you’ll have to turn on the auto-translate closed captions while listening.)

Thank you for reading, activating, and sharing.

Leave a comment or say hi on Instagram!

I’d love to hear from you!

Peace & Love, ya’ll. 

Maryella Marie  

ARTivist, Social Impact Producer, & Much More 💚

*Depending on your Earthly location (northern hemisphere vs southern hemisphere), Sirius will be more visible at different times of the year.


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